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Advocacy &Funding Bill Brieger | 01 Nov 2011 04:29 pm

Protecting USG Funding for Global Health

The Global Health Council’s Malaria Round Table shared the information that follows.  Reducing the already tiny USG commitment to international development would not only be mean-spirited, but would jeopardize global security.

This Thursday, November 3rd, the Senate is likely to begin consideration of the State & Foreign Operations bill, probably as part of a “mini-bus” package with other components of the FY2012 Budget. With the current Continuing Resolution set to expire on November 18th the Senate is under pressure to pass a bill to fund the government over the next fiscal year.

The Senate State/Foreign Operations bill is $5 billion higher than the House number, including a $700 million higher mark for global health. We need to do all we can to protect this higher funding level for global health and international affairs.

Call your Senator and urge them to protect funding for global and international affairs, and oppose all cutting amendments on the State, Foreign Operations bill during floor consideration and rejection of all harmful policy riders.

Talking Points

·         For less than 1% of our federal budget millions of lives are impacted each year. U.S. investments in global health have:

    • Treated more than 3 million people living with HIV and prevent HIV transmission among millions more;
    • Cut  the number of malaria cases by more than 50% in 43 countries in the last 10 years;
    • Contributed to immunizing more than 100 million children each year;
    • Treated 10 million people with tuberculosis;
    • Delivered more than 255 million treatments to approximately 60 million people  for neglected tropical diseases;
    • Increased the number of skilled birth attendants present during deliveries; and
    • Supported research to develop and deliver new vaccines, drugs, and other critical health tools.

    ·         Further cuts to global health and international affairs programs would put lives at stake, threaten our diplomatic standing in the world, and put thousands of current and future American jobs in jeopardy. 

    Putting Lives at Stake:

    For every 5% cut to global health funding from FY 11:

    ·         69,360 fewer HIV-positive women will receive prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services which means 13,178 more infants infected with HIV annually and 4,393 more infant deaths (before the age of one) due to HIV-related causes

    ·         189,165 orphans and vulnerable children will lose food, education, and livelihood assistance

    ·         181,161 people will not receive treatment

    ·         876,642 fewer bed nets will be provided through the President’s Malaria Initiative

    ·         2 million fewer people will receive ACT treatment for malaria through the President’s Malaria Initiative

    ·         20,043 fewer people with TB will receive treatment 488,368 fewer pentavalent vaccines for children will be available through the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations which means 6,105 more deaths from preventable childhood diseases.

    For every 10% cut to bilateral global health funding from FY 11 means:

    ·         Over 1 million (1,028,330) fewer children could receive low-cost antibiotics to treat pneumonia – the leading killer of kids under five

    ·         1.6 (1,623,165) million fewer children could receive oral rehydration salts that can help save many of the 1.2 million who die needlessly from diarrhea.

    ·         More than 900,000 (910,158)children could not be immunized against measles, tetanus, and pertussis

    ·         3.7 million fewer women and couples receiving contraceptive services and supplies

    ·         1.2 million more unintended pregnancies

    ·         510,000 more unplanned births

    ·         3,200 more maternal deaths and over 14,000 more orphans

    ·         Over 500,000 people would be at risk for blindness and the opportunity to actually eliminate a neglected tropical disease (ochocerciasis) in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2015 would be missed.


    Global Health dollars support American jobs.

    ·         In 2005, global health activities generated $1.5 billion in Washington state and created or sustained more than 14,125 jobs.

    ·         In 2007, the global health sector supported more than 7,000 jobs and $508 million in salaries and wages in North Carolina.

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