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ITNs &Malaria in Pregnancy Bill Brieger | 27 Jun 2012 06:56 am

Twitter Posts on ITNs from Malaria in Pregnancy Meeting, Istanbul

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Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger – #MIP2012 universal coverage of ITNs not just to protect vulnerable groups against #malaria but also reduces mosquito population

Krisztian Magori ?@BiteOfAMosquito -bbbrieger: #MIP2012 MSF has found where no mass distribution of nets give pregnant woman 2…  – Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger – #MIP2012 MSF has found where no mass distribution of nets give pregnant woman 2 nets ensure she gets to use at least one to prevent #malaria

bbbrieger: #MIP2012 non-use of nets related to real reduction in ventilation – both a design… – Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger #MIP2012 non-use of nets related to real reduction in ventilation – both a design issue and an educational issue on net benefits #malaria

MHTF ?@MHTF – Challenges: Funding. Advocacy. ITN coverage in ANC. Incentives for net producers to make lasting nets.-Olivi Net @PSIHealthyLives #MiP2012

MHTF ?@MHTF – Net challenges: Funding. Advocacy. Limited ITN coverage in ANC. Need to incentivize bednet producers to make longer lasting nets. #MiP2012

Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger – #MIP2012 Elena Olivi PSI need get manufacturers make stronger nets and new insecticides to deal with resistance #malaria; #MIP2012 Olivi PSI. even before when sufficient fund, not all ANC provided ITNs to protect pregnant women against #malaria

MHTF ?@MHTF We are in the midst of a funding crisis. Nets expire after 3 years & need to be replaced. -Olivi @PSIHealthyLives #MiP2012 #malaria #MNCH

Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger #MIP2012 Olivi PSI: gap analysis underway to see countries at greatest risk of loosing ITN coverage gains #malaria

MHTF ?@MHTF Take homes: Nets save lives. African countries know how to deliver them. Technical champions exist. -Olivi @PSIHealthyLives #MiP2012 #MNCH

Sam Lattof ?@slattof Olivi: Writing women prescriptions for bednets relieves #ANC nurses of the duty, minimizes stockouts, and strengthens supply chain. #MiP2012

Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger #MIP2012 Olivi PSI: challenges exist – we are in funding crisis and nets need replacement after 3 years. threat to MIP – risk loosing gains!

MHTF ?@MHTF Olivi @PSIHealthyLives: No need to get overly clever w/bednet distribution. Just do it. #MiP2012 #malaria #pregnancy #maternalhealth #MNCH

Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger #MIP2012 Olivi PSI: Burundi experiment with ‘prescribing’ ITNs at ANC so woman collects from pharmacy. streamline ANC, better ITN tracking

Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger #MIP2012 Elena Olivi PSI – ITN campaigns can reach poorer people, especially women who may not attend ANC or not yet start ANC #malaria

MHTF ?@MHTF Olivi @PSIHealthyLives: ANC best distribution channel of bednets for pregnant women. Other channels important for other groups. #MiP2012

Bill Brieger ?@bbbrieger #MIP2012 Elena Olivi PSI understanding of all kinds of ITN distribution channels and while ANC best for pregnant women, others can help

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