Posts or Comments 12 February 2025

Funding Bill Brieger | 25 Feb 2008 03:19 pm

Nigeria – on per capita basis malaria funds look pathetic

Nigeria is estimated to have a population of 140 million and is home to one-quarter of sub-Saharan Africa’s population and of course a huge portion of malaria morbidity and mortality on the continent. Yet, the amount of donor money flowing in for malaria control programs is lower on a per capita basis compared to many others. Nigeria is receiving up to US $74.3 million from the Global Fund over about 5 years, and this total is less than 54 US Cents per capita over the total grant, and even less on an annual basis (11 cents). This compares to over $5 per capita for countries like Kenya, Uganda, Mauritania, Malawi, Namibia and Zambia.

Nigeria is receiving $180 million from the World Bank Booster Program over a five-year period, and not being a PMI country, has gotten in the neighborhood of only $2.5 million annually from USAID (though there are rumors that this amount may increase somewhat in the near future). DfID is embarking on a new Nigeria malaria effort soon to the tune of at least 50 million pounds over 5 years. Excluding the upcoming DfID money and possible USAID expansion, the total annual per capita money coming in for malaria now is about 38 US cents.

nigeria-map-sm.jpgNGOs and other donors have contributed – ExxonMobil Foundation, Nothing But Nets, Médecines Sans Frontiers, to name a few – but the big money has somehow eluded Nigeria. Because of Nigeria’s large population this means that malaria control is eluding the continent.

The Harmonization Working Group of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership is including emphasis on large but underfunded countries in its current workplan. This includes Nigeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Hopefully this will not only bring more attention to Nigeria by all partners but increase the likelihood of Nigeria succeeding in securing a Global Fund grant in the upcoming Round 8.

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