Posts or Comments 12 February 2025

Behavior Change Bill Brieger | 07 Feb 2024 10:22 am

Malaria Behavior Survey Data Dashboard

Mike Toso, Senior Program Officer at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs shares an update on visualizing malaria behaviors and determinants of malaria behaviors.

Breakthrough ACTION and the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative are excited to announce the launch of the Malaria Behavior Survey (MBS) Dashboard, a new resource available on the MBS website.

The MBS Dashboard presents cross-sectional data collected from individuals and households in sub-Saharan African countries. This interactive dashboard allows users to explore MBS data on a single easy-to-explore platform. Currently, the dashboard includes data from six countries, and Breakthrough ACTION plans to add others as data points become available.

The dashboard shows a selection of the most important data points from the full MBS. It can be easily accessed on one’s smartphone if users are out in the field or at an informal meeting.

Additionally, the dashboard uses the collected data to make recommendations for program implementers to follow. These recommendations are generated dynamically, corresponding to the selected country’s data. National malaria programs and other partners working in malaria SBC can use MBS results to develop evidence-based malaria SBC programs and strategies.

The MBS is unique in that it gathers data on the behavioral factors that influence people’s use of malaria prevention and treatment interventions. Surveys in multiple countries often measure behaviors but do not assess the cognitive, emotional, or social factors associated with those behaviors. Such insights will help programs more fully address the needs of individuals and communities in combating malaria.

Link to blog post: “New Malaria Behavior Survey Dashboard “Like a Swiss Army Knife”

Link to Malaria Minute podcast: (episode “How can Behavioral Science Improve Bed Net Use” 5/15/2023






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