Communication &Malaria in Pregnancy &Surveillance Bill Brieger | 13 Oct 2011 07:52 am
Keeping up with malaria … including in Rwanda
During the past month we have posted few blog entries due to a heavy travel schedule. That said, we have maintained malaria communication through our three other venues. If you are not aware of these news and update options, please check out and follow these links …
- The malaria Facebook Page is a closed group that you can request to join if you are a Facebook member
- Our Twitter account is updated almost daily
- The malaria listserve provides regular news and abstracts on a regular basis
Part of recent travel includes Rwanda where we are working with the Ministry of Health and the US President’s Malaria Initiative to design and implement a malaria in pregnancy (MIP) survey. As seen in the attached chart, Rwanda is making great progress in moving toward pre-elimination with string emphasis on community case management and ITN promotion.
Normally in low and/or unstable transmission areas, intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnant women is not practiced. That does not mean that pregnant women are not at risk. The results of the MIP prevalence study will help the Ministry and other partners decide on appropriate ways to protect pregnant women as we move closer to malaria elimination.
Finally as Rwanda makes progress, there is concern about malaria in the neighboring countries. Efforts like this MIP study can become part of a larger surveillance activity to monitor the potential for imported malaria in the future.