Antenatal Care (ANC) &IPTp &Malaria in Pregnancy &Maternal Health &Surveys Bill Brieger | 16 Nov 2024
Using National Survey Data to Learn Impact of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy on Birth weight in Nigeria
Bright C. Orji, Charity I. Anoke, William Robert Brieger presented a poster at ASTMH 2024 in New Orleans that analyzed the ability of national surveys to detect health program outcomes.
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnant women (IPTp) promotes health of the mother and unborn child. One noteworthy benefit is reduction of low birth weight (LBW, less than 2.5kg). Large survey data sets aid learning about such benefits on a national scale.
We analyzed data from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) to document the impact of IPTp on birth weight. Key variables included IPTp which based on national guidelines is given monthly at antenatal clinics from the 13th week, aiming to provide a minimum of 3 doses. DHS obtained this information from women giving birth in the previous two years.
Birth weight included women giving birth in the previous five years. A quarter had a record of newborn weight reported from a health facility.
Since many did not, women were also asked to estimate the size of the baby at birth: very small, smaller than average, average, larger than average, and very large. We combined the latter three categories into “average or larger”.
Of those giving birth in the past 2 years, 23% took only one dose, 24% took 2 doses, while 17% had 3 or more doses. In the broader sample of those giving birth in the previous 5 years 2.8% estimated that their baby was very small.
Among those women with a record of birth weight, 7% were LBW. Preliminary analysis comparing perceived size and IPTp doses found 3% receiving only one dose thought their baby was “very small” at birth, as did 3% of those taking 2 doses and 4% receiving 3 or more.
Among the subset with a recorded birth weight, 9% who took only one dose of IPTp had LBW baby, as did 7% who received 2 doses, and 6% who got 3 or more doses. It appears possible to compare outcomes (LBW) with interventions (IPTp), but data type and availability may limit conclusions.
Even though a smaller subset of women had access to a recorded birth weight (most women delivered outside a health facility), birth weight appears to provide a better indication of IPTp effectiveness than subjective perceptions of child’s size at birth.
The findings even with limitations show the value of national surveys to justify policies protecting pregnant women from malaria.
Antenatal Care (ANC) &IPTp &Malaria in Pregnancy &Maternal Health Bill Brieger | 19 Oct 2023
Progress and Challenges for Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy: Nigeria
Bill Brieger and Bright Orji conducted an examination of national surveys and program reviews to document achievement of antenatal care and IPTp targets in Nigerian preparation for a poster presentation at the 2023 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene annual meeting in Chicago.
In 2012, the World Health Organization updated the Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria during pregnancy (IPTp) coverage indicator to a minimum of three doses. In 2014, Nigeria set the national target of 100% of women attending ANC to receive IPTp.
This study reviewed national survey data for antenatal care (ANC) attendance and IPTp provision from the 2013 and 2018 Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) and the 2015 and 2021 Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS). Extracted from the national malaria program reviews (MPR) of the National Malaria Strategic Plans (NMSP) of 2014 and 2019 were explanations of program implementation issues. ANC4 attendance and IPTp uptake (1st and 3rd doses) were compared using descriptive statistics.
The 2015 MIS did not document ANC 4th visit, so attendance in the remaining surveys was 51%, 57%, and 52% (X2=160.0, df2, p <0.0001). The slow increase of ANC attendance and drop in 2021 meant that opportunity to acquire three IPTp doses was not possible for most women. Over the four surveys, IPT1 increased from 23% to 47% to 64%, then dropped to 58%. IPTp3 rose from 6% to 19% then dropped to 16.6% before increasing to 31% (X2= 1755, df3, p<0.0001).
The MPR reports identified four factors inhibiting achievement of the ANC and IPTp targets including insecurity (terrorism, civil unrest), poor integration of malaria in pregnancy into reproductive and maternal health programs, inadequate procurement and stock-outs of SP, and logistical hurdles (lack of vehicles and fuel). By not meeting ANC4 and IPTp1 targets, limits were set for IPTp3 uptake.
As other researchers have suggested, NMSPs embody global targets and may not reflect local realities. Local governments, who deliver the bulk of ANC and IPTp services, must be part of the process of setting and planning how to achieve targets.
Antenatal Care (ANC) &ITNs &Malaria in Pregnancy Bill Brieger | 02 Nov 2022
Improving insecticide treated net coverage through antenatal care services in Rwanda
Jean Louis Ndikumana Mangara, Marcel Manariyo, Michée S. Kabera, Yvette Muyirukazi, Jean Modeste Harerimana, Christine Mutaganzwa, Marie Rose Kayirangwa, Noella Umulisa, Aimable Mbituyumuremyi report on Improving insecticide treated net coverage through antenatal care services in Rwanda at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Malaria in pregnancy (MIP) negatively affects pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and neonatal mortality and adverse fetal outcomes such as low birth weight. Therefore, among other malaria prevention interventions, Rwanda embarked to achieve the insecticide treated net (ITN) universal coverage through the ITN mass distribution to households and routine distribution to the most vulnerable groups including under five children and pregnant women.
In the period of Jan 2020 to Dec 2021, the program improved ITN distribution and the information, education and communication on challenges related to malaria behavior during ANC visits and conducted capacity building of health care providers on malaria diagnostic and case management training, integrated malaria supportive supervision, monthly data review and validation meetings at health facilities and monitoring of use of ITN program at health facility level.
A quarterly review of data from national Health Management Information System (HMIS) on ITN distributed during ANC services and changes in MIP incidence was done in the period of January 2020 to December 2021. The results show an increase from 49% (z-score (-0.8)) (Jan-Mar 2020) to 74% (z-score 0.5) (Oct-Dec 2021) coverage in the distribution of ITN among pregnant women during ANC visits.
There was a decrease in malaria incidence from 65 (z-score (2)) to 17 (z-score (-1)) cases among pregnant visiting ANC services, and a decrease from 88 to 73 malaria cases in all (567,198) pregnant women for10,000 confirmed malaria case during the January-March 2020 to October-December 2021. There has been a moderate negative correlation between the proportion of pregnant women receiving ITN in ANC services and the proportion of malaria cases in pregnancy every quarter r(9) = -0.655, P (value)=0.056.
Although malaria cases among pregnant women have declined and the distribution of ITN in ANC services increased over the studied period, there is a need to strategize innovation to reach the remaining pregnant women.
Antenatal Care (ANC) &IPTp Bill Brieger | 31 Oct 2022
Comparative analysis of facility and community distribution of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy
Charity Anoke, Bright Orji, Emily Bryce, Elizabeth Oliveras, Joseph Enne, Elizabeth Njoku, Lawrence Nwankwo, Emmanuel Ugwa, Bartholomew Odio, Herbert Onuoha, Christina Maly, Emmanuel Otolorin, Elaine Roman, and Oniyire Adetiloye are presenting a poster for the TiPToP project at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene’s Annual Meeting in Seattle. Below is the evidence from maternity record booklets in Ohaukwu, Ebonyi State Nigeria.
Nigeria has the highest malaria burden globally, contributing to 31.9% of global malaria deaths, and is one of the two countries with the greatest burden of malaria during pregnancy. According to the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), even though up to 57% of pregnant women attend ANC four or more times, only 17% received three or more doses of IPTp as recommended by the WHO.
Nigeria supported this demonstration project of CHWs in delivering intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) at the community-level, complementing IPTp at antenatal care (ANC) in three districts. Data were extracted from 735 maternity record booklets (MRB) at 25 public health facilities in Ohaukwu for women presenting for ANC between April and September of 2019. The MRB allowed for the longitudinal analysis of client-level data that is not available from routine data sources.
Sixty percent of women received IPTp doses only in the community, while 28% received IPTp only at ANC and 12% received IPTp in both locations. One-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey tests were used to examine the difference in mean number of ANC visits and number of IPTp doses between the three groups. The mean number of ANC visits was significantly higher in the group of women receiving IPTp at both locations compared to those only receiving IPTp in the community (0.89 ± 0.18 visits, p<0.01) and those only receiving IPTp during ANC (0.61 ± 0.20 visits, p<0.01).
There was no statistically significant difference in the mean number of ANC visits between the groups receiving IPTp only in one location (0.29 ± 0.13 visits, p=0.077). The difference in number of doses was statistically significant across all groups, whereby women in the facility-only group received the fewest IPTp doses. Receipt of IPTp in both locations was associated with both greater numbers of ANC visits and IPTp doses. Only receiving IPTp in the community was not associated with a decrease in ANC attendance.
These data suggest complementing ANC-based IPTp distribution with community-based distribution is beneficial.
Antenatal Care (ANC) &Behavior Change &Communication &ITNs Bill Brieger | 20 Nov 2021
Factors affecting adoption of malaria-preventive behaviors among populations at high risk of malaria in Cote d’Ivoire
Save the Children designs programs to protect children and families from malaria. An important aspect of the design process is learning about the factors that influence community members’ behaviors related to the prevention of the disease. Here we learn about behavioral factors that must be considered to design effective programs. This information is being presented at the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting. See Author List below.
Understanding the drivers of malaria-related behavior helps national malaria control programs and implementing partners to plan national malaria strategies and to tailor interventions accordingly. This study examined the factors affecting adoption of malaria behaviors and those that drive or inhibit them among populations at high risk of malaria in Cote d’Ivoire.
This study was a multi-method, qualitative study with an exploratory approach using focus group discussions (FGDs), in-depth interviews (IDIs) and life stories. The study was conducted in 12 health districts across 10 health regions of Cote d’Ivoire in both urban and rural areas. FGDs and life stories were conducted with pregnant women and mothers of children under 5 and men (heads of household). IDIs were conducted with a number of stakeholders including: departmental district directors; midwives, nurses, community health workers, leaders of women’s groups, community leaders, and the local media.
The findings from this study show that incorrect knowledge about LLINs, LLIN dislike and discomfort, housing structure and size, sleeping arrangements for children under 5, and lack of LLIN recycling strategies were among the root causes for incorrect, non-use and/or inconsistent use of LLINs. In terms of ANC attendance, the main reported barriers were influence of their beliefs and norms, cost, perceived poor services provided, bad experiences from gynecological examinations, and the distance of health facilities in rural areas. Additionally, the lack of information on the benefits of SP for prevention of malaria in pregnancy and the use of traditional medicine were the main barriers for SP in pregnancy. Cost, poor services by health care providers and stock outs were the main barriers to diagnosis and treatment for children U5. The main factor that influenced the adoption of preventive measures was free LLIN distribution through ANC viists and mass distribution campaigns.
Findings from this study are useful to inform the revision of the Social Behavior Change Communication Strategy in Cote d’Ivoire. Additionally, they can inform key messaging and the design of interventions in a context where malaria is the main cause of morbidity and mortality and children under 5 and pregnant women are the most affected.
Jacob Y. Agniman1, Manasse N. Kassi1, Yssouf Ouattara1, Edouard C. Balogoun1, Serge B. Assi2, Philomène A. Beda1, Michel N’da-Ezoa3, Aristide E. Kouadio1, Joel Koffi1, Apollinaire N. Kouadio1, Paul Bouey4, Sara Canavati4, Eric Swedberg4 — 1Save the Children, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 2Le Programme Nationale de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP), Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 3Socio-Anthropologue de la Santé, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 4Save the Children, Washington, DC, United States
Antenatal Care (ANC) &Communication &Health Systems &ITNs Bill Brieger | 20 Nov 2021
Education and knowledge help fighting malaria, but health systems strengthening in Cote d’Ivoire
Save the Children recognizes the importance of strong health systems to deliver malaria interventions. Here they arsharing a wealth of information on these efforts at the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting. Here is an abstract from one of their malaria efforts. See Author List below.
Since 2010, Cote d’Ivoire has made significant progress in the fight against malaria; however, since 2016 progress has stagnated and malaria incidence is steadily increasing. The aims of this study were to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices among heads of households, pregnant women and caretakers of children under 5 years of age (U5) and IPTp-SP compliance.
A mixed-methods study was conducted in rural and urban areas in 20 health districts of Cote d’Ivoire. A total of 1,812 households composed of 8,813 members were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Qualitative data were gathered through twenty focus group discussions. Data triangulation was used during analysis.
Fever was the main malaria symptom reported by heads of households (38.5%) followed by headache (25.5%). Additionally, many FGD participants also reported sadness as a symptom of malaria. The primary cause of malaria was mosquito bites, followed by fatigue, the sun, and salty water, 70.7%, 15.1% and 10.9%, 3.3% respectively. The main prevention methods reported were sleeping under an ITN (60.4%), spraying the house (25.9%), taking medication (5.8%), and using a fan (7.9%). In FGDs, additional means of prevention were discussed including sanitation of the environment, personal hygiene, and stopping alcohol consumption.
The majority of women with at least one child reported having attended at least three ANC visits in their last pregnancy (85.1%). The cost of ANC was a main factor affecting attendance. Overall, 78.2% of them received SP and of these women, 98.1% said they received it during their ANC visits. However, only 55.4% received 3 doses or more of SP and 76.79% received SP free of charge. The reasons for not taking SP were stock outs, side effects, bitter taste, and preference for injections.
Our study revealed that knowledge of prevention measures (ITNs) and causes of malaria (mosquito bites) were high and in line with the targets of the National BCC Strategy 2021-2025. However, even though the majority of pregnant women would like to take SP, they were blocked by the health system unable to provide them with the drugs and others had to pay for them. These problems within the health system are likely to contribute to the high malaria incidence in Cote d’Ivoire.
Edouard C. Balogoun1, Manasse Kassi1, Philomène A. Beda1, Jacob Y. Agniman1, Serge B. Assi2, Florence Kadjo-Kouadio3, Michel N’da-Ezoa4, Aristide E. Kouadio1, Joel Koffi1, Apollinaire N. Kouadio1, Paul Bouey5, Sara Canavati5, Eric Swedberg5 — 1Save the Children, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 2Le Programme Nationale de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP), Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 3Médecin Spécialiste de Santé, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 4Socio-Anthropologue de la Santé, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 5Save the Children, Washington, DC, United States
Antenatal Care (ANC) &CHW &IPTp Bill Brieger | 19 Nov 2021
Changes in ANC Attendance and IPTp Uptake after Introduction of Complimentary Community Interventions
The TiPToP malaria in pregnancy project of Jhpiego and Unitaid has been aiming to increase coverage of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy. The abstract below shares experiences from Nigeria, one of 4 TiPToP countries, is being presented at the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting. Described are Changes in antenatal care (ANC) attendance and uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) after introduction of community-based distribution of IPTp in three local government areas (LGA) in Nigeria. See Author List below.
In Nigeria, community health workers (CHWs) from three LGAs were engaged to introduce community delivery of IPTp (C-IPTp) with quality-assured sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent malaria. This approach, which complements IPTp delivery during ANC visits, was carried out in Ohaukwu, Akure South, and Bosso LGAs. C-IPTp was introduced in September 2018 in Ohaukwu and in December 2019 in Akure South and Bosso.
A total of 1,062 CHWs were trained on early identification of pregnant women, referral to ANC, IPTp administration, and use of mobile phones to capture and report data. CHWs conduct household visits, provide malaria health education, refer and encourage pregnant women to attend ANC, and provide IPTp.
Routine facility data from 2017 before introduction of C-IPTp were compared with 2020 facility and CHW data to understand the effect of C-IPTp across the LGAs. Before C-IPTp, 43% of the estimated number of pregnant women in these areas attended at least one ANC visit as compared to 57% in 2020 (p<.05).
Attending at least four ANC (ANC4) visits increased in Ohaukwu by ten percentage points to 29% in 2020 (p<.05). In Akure South, ANC4 remained steady Bosso pre-C-IPTp data on ANC4 visits were of too poor quality to conduct a meaningful analysis. Though this project focused on C-IPTp, it also resulted in statistically significant increases in IPTp distribution during ANC visits.
From 2017 to 2020, coverage of IPTp doses 1, 2, and 3 all saw increases across the three sites: IPTp1 increased from 54%?to 57%; IPTp2 from 36% to 42%; and IPTp3 increased 20 percentage points from 5% to 25%. Of pregnant women receiving all doses of IPTp, 39% did so through ANC with 61% receiving IPTp from CHWs.
These data suggest that in addition to contributing to overall increases in IPTp coverage, C-IPTp may also contribute to increases IPTp delivery in ANC and ANC attendance.
Herbert Enyeribe Onuoha1, Bartholomew Odio1, Christina Maly2, Lawrence Nwankwo3, Folayan Waheed Adewale4, Elizabeth Njoku1, Oniyire Adetiloye1, Orji Bright1, Emmanuel Dipo Otolorin1, Elaine Roman2 — 1Jhpiego, Abakaliki, Nigeria, 2Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Ebonyi State Ministry of Health, Abakaliki, Nigeria, 4Ondo State Ministry of Health, Alagbaka, Akure, Nigeria
Antenatal Care (ANC) &Case Management &CHW Bill Brieger | 19 Nov 2021
The role of community health workers in malaria control in in Cote d’Ivoire
Save the Children is sharing a wealth of information on programs at the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting. Here is an abstract from one of their malaria efforts. See Author List below.
Since the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978, international efforts to improve access to primary health care have shifted towards the deployment of various types of community health workers (CHWs). This study aimed to assess the contribution of CHWs and identify challenges faced, which may impede malaria control efforts in Cote d’Ivoire.
A mixed-methods assessment was conducted in 16 health districts. A total of 1,922 community members were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Qualitative data was gathered through 48 focus group discussions with pregnant women and mothers of children under 5, women’s groups and men and 132 in-depth interviews with government and implementation stakeholders, community members, caregivers and community leaders. Thematic content analysis around the key themes of the project implementation was used.
Over 50% of participants knew the CHW. The reported services provided by the CHW were diagnosis and treatment (47.4%), referrals to the health center (17.3%), education (14.1%), other medicines (12.2 %), and support at the health center (6.4%). The benefits to children U5 reported by the participants were home-based treatment (22.9%), children get less sick (20.4%) and are in good health (14.7%), children suffer less from malaria (14%), and families spend less money on treatment (12.8%).
Additionally, up to 53% of pregnant women who had stopped attending ANC started to go again after being sensitized by the CHW. The main challenges reported by community members in accessing CHW services were non-coverage of all households by CHWs (13.6%), stock-outs of ACTs (10.9%), treatment provided is mostly for children U5 (10.4%). Distances between the CHW and the households were a major barrier to malaria treatment by CHWs.
CHWs were well perceived by the communities they serve. Expanding CHW coverage as well as CHW’s role to diagnose and treat adults is necessary for malaria control. Additionally, the lack of consistent supplies necessary for day-to-day activities, like ACTs and RDTs, must be addressed at the system level. Supply chain strengthening in Cote d’Ivoire, including forecasting and monitoring, is vital for CHWs to be effective.
Edouard C. Balogoun1, Manasse N. Kassi1, Philomène A. Beda1, Serge B. Assi2, Jacob Y. Agniman1, Théodore D. Doudou3, Rodolphe H. Yao4, Adama Z. Ouattara5, Joel Koffi1, Aristide E. Kouadio1, Apollinaire N. Kouadio1, Paul Bouey6, Sara Canavati6, Eric Swedberg6 — 1Save the Children, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 2Le Programme Nationale de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP), Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 3Sociologue de la Santé CRD/UAO, Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 4National Statistical Institute (INS), Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 5Socio-Anthropologue de la Santé (CRD/UAO), Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire, 6Save the Children, Washington, DC, United States
Antenatal Care (ANC) &COVID-19 Bill Brieger | 18 Nov 2021
Factors related to changes in health facility attendance among pregnant women during COVID-19
As mentioned previously, the TiPToP malaria in pregnancy project of Jhpiego and Unitaid has been adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic by training health workers to be more conscious of infection prevention skills. The abstract below is being presented at the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting outlines what is happening with clinic attendance. See Author List below.
COVID-19 disrupted public health interventions and weakened global and national health systems. We used a mixed-methods study to explore factors related to changes in health facility attendance during the COVID-19 pandemic in three local government areas (LGAs) in Nigeria: Ohaukwu, Akure South and Bosso.
Three hundred fifteen pregnant women seen for antenatal care (ANC) in November 2020 participated in a survey about their attendance before and during the pandemic; 198 women participated in focus group discussions (FGDs). One quarter of women surveyed reported that they reduced the frequency of their visits or did not visit during the pandemic.
The biggest reported changes in visits were for immunization (47% visited before the pandemic versus 30% during the pandemic, p<0.001) and other outpatient services (66% to 57%, p=0.027), with small but statistically significant declines in ANC (99% to 94%, p=0.002) and family planning (11% to 5%, p=0.002). Both LGA and religion were significantly correlated with reduced/no visits during the pandemic; other socio-demographic characteristics were not. Whereas 33% of Christian women reported reduced/no care seeking, only 7% of Muslim women did (p<0.001).
Women in Ohaukwu were most likely to report reduced/no visits (39%), followed by those in Akure South (26%), and Bosso (7%) (p=0.012). During FGDs transport issues, proximity to health facilities, and fear of contracting COVID-19 or being labeled as COVID-positive were the most common reasons mentioned for not seeking care during the pandemic.
Differences by LGA are likely related to differences in both levels of transmission and the State-level response to the pandemic. Ebonyi state, where Ohaukwu is located, had the longest lockdown and most restricted movement; better understanding of differences in the pandemic and state response could inform future actions.
The FGDs findings highlight the need for health systems to consider how to facilitate service utilization during a pandemic, such as providing safe transport or increasing outreach, and to minimize stigma for those seeking care.
Bright Orji 1, Elizabeth Oliveras 2, Emmanuel Ugwa 3, Aishatu Bintu Gubio 4, Edima Akpan 5, Bartholomew Odio 1, Herbert Onuoha 1, Ibrahim Idris 6, Emmanuel Dipo Otolorin 1, Elaine Roman 2 1Jhpiego, Abuja, Nigeria, 2Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Federal Medical Center, Birnin kudu, Jigawa state, Nigeria, 4National Malaria Elimination Program, Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Nigeria, 5Reproductive Health Division, Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Nigeria, 6Niger State Ministry of Health, Minna, Nigeria
Antenatal Care (ANC) &Communication &Community &COVID-19 &IPTp &Malaria in Pregnancy &mHealth Bill Brieger | 18 Nov 2021
SMS to support health worker knowledge retention of maternal health and malaria interventions
The TiPToP malaria in pregnancy project of Jhpiego and Unitaid has been adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their abstract below is being presented at the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting and explains the use of bulk SMS to support health worker knowledge retention on antenatal care and the use of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy during COVID-19 in Bosso local government area of Niger State, Nigeria. See Author List below.
In light of COVID-19 travel restrictions, bulk SMS were used to support knowledge retention of health workers following an in-person training held before the pandemic. In December 2019, 72 facility health workers and 260 community health workers (CHWs) in Bosso local government area of Niger State, Nigeria participated in a 12-day training about benefits of early antenatal care (ANC) attendance, CHW referrals to ANC, and use of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent malaria.
In-person supervision visits were conducted 3 months following training, although three months later in-person supervision was no longer possible due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Post-training support transitioned to use of bulk SMS which were sent twice a week to each cadre for two 3-month rounds of messaging.
Knowledge tests comprised of 10 multiple choice questions linked to key ANC and IPTp guidelines were administered at 5 time points: 1) baseline; 2) post-training; 3) at in-person supervision visit 3 months after training; 4) after first round of bulk SMS (6 months post-training); and 5) after second round of bulk SMS (9 months post-training).
Average test scores for each cadre were calculated at each time point and T-tests were used to assess differences in scores. The results show that facility health workers scored an average of 53% on the pre-test followed by scores of 76%, 74%, 86%, and ending at 80% 9 months following training. CHWs started with an average score of 49% which increased to 67% post-training; subsequent average scores were 83%, 74%, and 94%.
Results were compelling with facility health worker knowledge improving from 76% immediately post-training to 80% 9 months later (p-value<0.05) and for CHWs the improvement was from 67% to 94% (p-value<0.05). These findings suggest that use of SMS can support knowledge retention of key ANC and IPTp guidelines following an in-person training. Program managers, trainers and supervisors may consider using this approach to support health workers where resources and/or movement are restricted.
Charity Anoke 1, Orji Bright 1, Joseph Enne 1, Bartholomew Odio 1, Christina Maly 2, Amina Zimro 3, Ibrahim Idris 3, Elizabeth Njoku 1, Oniyire Adetiloye 1, Emmanuel Dipo Otolorin 1, Elaine Roman 2 — 1Jhpiego, Abuja, Nigeria, 2Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Niger State Ministry of Health, Minna, Nigeria