Posts or Comments 07 February 2025

ITNs Bill Brieger | 08 Mar 2012 09:32 am

Nigeria continues its net campaign efforts

An update by Ogu Omede, National Malaria Control Program, Nigeria

progress-in-llin-distribution-in-nigeria.jpgNigeria has targeted 64 million LLINs to be distributed. 45 million have already been distributed (71% of target). 28 states out of 37 completed with 9 left.

States lead the actual campaign implementation in collaboration with NMCP using the principle of the ‘three ones’: one plan, one implementation process, one monitoring mechanism.  The State Support Team (SST) is an implementation arm of NMCP that providea Technical Assistance for the LLIN campaign. This consists of 4 teams of 7 persons each; 3 workstream advisors and 2 overall coordinators. Distribution efforts are funded by DFID, USAID and World Bank.

Several challenges exist. There was inability to access operational funds from World Bank due to audit since September 2011.  There are inadequate stocks of LLINs in Millennium Development Goal States. Degradation of some storage areas has occurred.

campaign-status.jpgSome states want to distribute this slow moving inventory without adherence to National Guidelines because of delays. Support operations face SST attrition, partner fatigue, and increased operational costs. There is even loss of nets that have been in storage for over a year.

The way forward can be achieved by getting support outside the WEorld Bank for now for 1) Operational funds, 2) Gaps in SST facilitation costs and 3) Procurement of LLINs to meet the gaps in MDG States targets

The NMCP and its partners are increasing support for the promotion of the net use culture which means undertaking Behavior Change Communication beyond the campaign period.  We are also encouraging transparent states and local government areas counterpart funding.

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