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Advocacy &Community &Leadership &Surveillance &Women Bill Brieger | 05 Jul 2018 02:48 am

Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME)

CS4ME was created during the Global Malaria Civil Society Strategising and Advocacy Pre-Meeting jointly convened by the Global Fund Advocates Network Asia-Pacific (GFAN AP) and APCASO held on 29th and 30th June 2018, prior to the First Malaria Wor1d Congress in Melbourne, Australia, with the support of the Malaria World Congress, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Burnet Institute. An interim working group mode up of individuals that attended the Pre-Meeting was established to coordinate, recommend processes and mechanisms, identify resources and support necessary for CS4ME going forward.  For more Information please contact Ms Olivia Ngou Zongue <> of the Interim Working Group of CS4ME for further information. The Declaration arising from their meeting if provided below.


Firm in the belief that empowered community and civil society are game-changers in health responses,  we, representatives of national, regional and global malaria communities and civil society attending the First Malaria World Congress, have come together and formed the Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) as part of our commitment to joint advocacy for more effective, sustainable, people-centred, rights-based, equitable, and inclusive malaria programmes and Interventions.

At a time when the world has the resources and tools to prevent and treat malaria, it is unconscionable how people – mainly from impoverished, vulnerable and underserved communities – continue to die from the disease. While we commend the efforts of governments and the international community that brought the world closer to malaria elimination, we call for greater accountability, political will and action, resource investments, and sense of urgency to eliminate the disease.

CS4ME makes the following call to the governments of implementing countries, donor countries and other duty bearers:


Significant progress has been attained during the past 10 years to reduce the burden of malaria throughout the world and in working towards achieving malaria elimination. As countries enter into the elimination phase, we see again and again the epidemic concentrating among the most marginalised, remote, and disenfranchised communities. In South East Asia, the concentration of malaria among communities barred from accessing quality and affordable health services has accelerated the emergence of drug resistance that now threatens the wor1d at large. Everywhere, the last mile of elimination becomes a matter of access to health for impoverished and marginalised communities, in particular, refugees, ethnic minorities, indigenous communities, migrant and mobile populations – with many of the risks faced by these groups compounded further amongst women and girls.

Including the most local, represents a strategic investment contributing to appropriate, effective service delivery and people-driven surveillance and response.
We call on national governments, international institutions, bilateral and multilateral donors to prioritise and increase funding allocations for community-driven community and civil society initiatives. We request that specific funding streams be made available to community groups, and their access supported through peer-to-peer technical assistance.

Furthermore, we request that key performance indicators that enable accountability for bringing malaria services to the underserved be developed and implemented.


As surveillance becomes an essential pillar for malaria elimination, the need for timely and robust data is increasingly critical. Essential evidence includes routine data, qualitative and quantitative research, as well as experience, lessons learned and the voices from affected communities. Support is required to build the ability of civil society to generate evidence, as well as to communicate it effectively to ensure that community-generated evidence will be able to influence decisions and result in sustained change.
To eliminate malaria, surveillance requires a response. Communities and civil society are the first responders, and will have the clearest insight Into what responses are effective in their context or on behalf of their constituents.

We demand that communities and civil society organisations be given equitable access to data and other information that can inform field-level response. We call for transparent information systems and multi-directional information flows in order to enable dialogue, and inform decisions at all levels. We urge the building up of surveillance systems that involve communities as analysts, advisors, decision-makers and responders.

We, malaria communities and civil society, offer our support, expertise, and lived experiences In contributing towards our shared vision of malaria elimination. We are fully committed to working alongside other stakeholders to build stronger, more inclusive and effective partnerships and sustainable responses towards elimination of malaria in this lifetime.

4 Responses to “Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME)”

  1. on 05 Jul 2018 at 11:39 am 1.Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) said …

    […] View post: Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) […]

  2. on 20 Jul 2018 at 6:27 am 2.Repackaging malaria to refresh & drive motivation towards elimination – Self Success Tips said …

    […] other diseases such as HIV with strong involvement of civil society.” In a pre-meeting, the Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) advocated for more effective, sustainable, people-centred, rights-based, equitable, and […]

  3. on 20 Jul 2018 at 6:37 am 3.Repackaging malaria to refresh & drive motivation towards elimination – Instant Expert Success said …

    […] other diseases such as HIV with strong involvement of civil society.” In a pre-meeting, the Global Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) advocated for more effective, sustainable, people-centred, rights-based, equitable, and […]

  4. on 31 Aug 2018 at 7:19 pm 4.Malaria World Congress sets precedent for greater collaboration between stakeholders in malaria elimination | Dr Ibrahim Matende said …

    […] will be absolutely critical for success. To address this gap, a new civil society initiative, the Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) was formed immediately prior to the Congress, with the aim of bringing on board civil […]

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